
Chronic Disease Management

doctor explaining disease to patient

What is a ‘Chronic Condition’?

Chronic  Disease Management at Upper Echelon

Consistent medical oversight is essential for conditions that are chronic, defined by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics as lasting three months or more. These diseases are persistent and usually progress slowly. Many chronic conditions may exhibit few or no symptoms for years, making routine preventative care crucial for early detection. Through blood work and other routine screenings, we can obtain a comprehensive understanding of your health that goes beyond just how you feel.

Chronic diseases can be caused by a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental, and behavioral factors. Key contributors include  lifestyle choices, environmental factors, age, genetics, and other socioeconomic factors --this is why our approach to chronic disease management is also multi-faceted. We take a comprehensive approach that includes lifestyle modifications, medication, regular monitoring, and patient education.

Examples of chronic conditions we treat:

High Blood Pressure
Heart Disease
High Cholesterol
Thyroid Disease
Chronic Pain Conditions (i.e. Fibromyalgia)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
High Blood Pressure
Heart Disease
High Cholesterol
Thyroid Disease
Chronic Pain Conditions (i.e. Fibromyalgia)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
“Six in ten Americans live with at least one chronic disease, like heart disease and stroke, cancer, or diabetes.”

-Center for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)

1 in 2

Adults have high blood pressure in the United States

What does chronic disease management at UEM look like?

The kind of chronic care you need varies depending on your condition, the problems you experience, your age, and your other health factors. Most people have a regular physical exam alongside a symptom and medication review, but you may also need specific care like a diabetic foot check. Regular testing is also a feature of many patients’ chronic care plans. You might need blood tests every few months to check your cholesterol, blood glucose levels, or thyroid hormone function. And conditions like headaches, back pain, and muscle pain could benefit from osteopathic manipulative techniques.

With Upper Echelon, chronic disease management is made easy. Your provider can spend more time with you and take a holistic approach to your health, starting with personalized consultations tailored to your needs. The emphasis is on a healthy lifestyle and diet choices that can help you lessen (or even get off of) your medication dosages. The team uses technologies like continuous glucose monitoring for diabetes and smart devices to help tailor your treatment plan.

Your provider is also available to evaluate and answer your concerns about your chronic conditions, with same- or next-day office visits available.